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Regular Classes We Offer
We offer weekly classes designed for a variety of levels. Our world recognised teacher accredited courses run as 8-week blocks and are progressive. Before enrolling or moving class, please contact our friendly team so that we can assess your level

Introduction to Zouk
We offer World recognised Teacher Accredited Courses, made for first time dancers to various level of partner dancing skills.
Experienced dancers from other dance styles can attend "Special Conversion Intensive" over 3-4 hours to cover this level in a fast track period.

Zouk Progressive Courses
Our Progressive Modules will span 10 modules, with each Module consisting of 8 weeks of 1 hour classes per week. This is a progressive course, meaning that you will need to pass your current Module, before you can proceed to the next one.

Lambada Progressive Courses
Lambada is the dance that gave birth to Zouk!
Lambada is taking the world by storm, and is making a huge comeback within the worldwide Brazilian Zouk community!
Whether you are new to dance, but especially if you are an existing Brazilian Zouk dancer, you don’t want to miss out on this learning opportunity from some of the best in the industry. Get in while it’s getting hot and incorporate some Lambada flavour into your Brazilian Zouk!

Zouk Spotlight Monthly Immersions
The Spotlight Series offers an in-depth focus on one core topic each month. During most other classes, you might get one or two sessions only on a subject or theme that needs more time! This immersion structure ensures not only a comprehensive understanding but also plenty of time for dedicated practice. This means you get to learn more, practice more, and finally see big leaps and progress like never before.

Choreography Course
Perform & even compete in various international & interstate dance congresses. This course is for intermediate dancers who want to improve their lines & style. Learn from the teachers who've bagged trophies with with dance choreographies that flow with the music.

Workshops & Masterclass
These courses will come in ad hoc with artist invites and pop up advanced masterclass and workshops to focus on introducing an opportunity for you to refine your technique and try out advanced moves.